You_ve sure grown up. -

It_s so nice of your mom to lend me these shoes to go out tonight. I needed the perfect pair to go with my new dress. I appreciate you letting me in so I could pick them up. It_s been so long since I_ve seen you. How old are you now, eighteen? Wow, I_d say you_ve grown up very well. You know my husband left me last year right? It_s been so lonely without a man. You_re looking pretty good. I hate the dating scene, it_s such a stupid game. Have you ever thought about being with an older woman? I won_t tell your mom. If you want to try me out I won_t say a word to anyone. Why don_t I start by stroking you while you stare at my big tits that you haven_t taken your eyes off since I got here. Would you like my big lips around your big dick? I can hardly wait to feel your cock inside me but first lick my pussy a little and make it wet. I know this is your mom_s bed but I_m not going to say a word about this and you don_t have to either. She won_t ever know what went on here today. Let_s hurry and fuck until we both cum. Oh yes, just like that. You are just what I need I_m on the pill so you can cum inside me if you want. Oh I feel your cock throbbing and getting ready to release all that hot jizz deep in my pleasure place. Wasn_t that fun? Ok, let_s hurry and clean up so the place doesn_t smell like sex when your mom gets home.
Karen Fisher
File Name : SexPOV1_Cherie_DeVille_1080.mp4
File Size : 341.44 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:07:51

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